The power of story telling…
There has been an intricate relationship between human beings and the stories they share for as long as we have been around to tell them. We connect through them, learn from them and empower through them. It is a true privelege to be able to share some of my stories with you all in hopes of bestowing whatever inherent gift you may find within them…
Meet the “Birth Workers”
This post was inspired by the month of May being International Doula Month! Gain a better understanding of “Birth Workers” and the differences between professionals and their approaches to maternity care for physicians and midwives and where doulas fit in.
Birth Stories
Throughout my career as a Labor & Delivery nurse I helped celebrate many, many birthdays… Many people have asked if I could estimate the number of sweet babies I have seen enter the world. Some days on the unit were busier than others and depending on which coast I was working on…